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Capricorn New Moon
Eternal Art Chemy
12/29/20242 min read
The next New Moon in Capricon will occur on the 30th December around 10pm European time zone.
The New Moon represents a time where we plant the seeds for new projects and new beginnings. There is here a force of internalisation of our desires who might bear fruits in the future. This can lead to a less concrete phase where we might no longer understand the way to go. It is a phase where the shadow of the Earth hides the moon, creating a sense of mystery in our unconscious, we can find ourself more secret, the energy feels dormant, ready to rise slowly toward the Full Moon.
The New Moon in the sign of Capricorn “highlight” the goals we have set for our personal growth.
They might require some rearrangements, this would greatly help to focus on those desires we want to achieve.
It could be a great time to isolate and gice us a moment to write any details of the plans we want to accomplish. What could be the negative and positive sides of our goals, being aware of the challenges we might be facing depending on our strengths and weaknesses.
We could also benefit from checking our current situation with our work and seeing how it can fulfill our dreams and desires.
The Involved aspect of The Capricor Full Moon :
During this full moon in Capricorn, we will not see much major aspect connecting this New Moon.
We will have Saturn “sextiling” our Sun and Moon conjunction in Capricorn, therefore emphasising the need to clarify our goals and see if they are in line with our dreams, as Saturn is transiting the Pisces sign.
We will probably have during this time a better connection with ourselves, and we might have great intuition and ideas in setting our plans, but we must make the effort to look at every detailed with honestly to prevent any delusional plans that could lead us to delicate path in our journey.
Saturn will be the apex planet of a t-square involving Mercury in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in Gemini. This opposition is a mutual reception for Mercury and Jupiter as they are rulers of the opposed sign. As we are in a new moon energy we might be keen to learn new concepts. Reading any subjects such as philosophy, psychology, esotericism, metaphysics etc. This could greatly benefit us to understand more about life, Which will give us inspirations on our path.
Chiron in Aries is in sextile with Jupiter as well as Mercury in trine with Chiron
Those energies carry the necessity to find our values, especially with our self-esteem, and therefor the capacity to take action through comuncation, exchange, mouvment and learning as mentioned above.
We can see Chiron opposing the Black Moon in Libra. We could have to let go of certain relationship that might hold us back in our development. Perhaps we could reveal or discover certain emotions that might have been hidden in some relations, and therefore allowing us to evolve lighter on our journey.
It seems that this Capricorn New Moon takes us on a journey to reflect on the goals we have set for the future. This in order to find more alignment in our daily life, but also to overpass the challenges we might be facing during the coming year.
It would be advised to take a time to write down any ideas, thought and feelings during the days following this new moon. Also, taking a time to isolation might be beneficial.
I hope this article will give you some clarity on your journey.
Thank you for reading this article.
Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions.
Eternal Artchemy
From Earth & Space