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Eternal Art chemy

9/20/20242 min read

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white and brown round decor

THE LIBRA MONTH : 23rd September

The sun will make its full entry into the Libra sign on September 23rd, 2024.

A sign of Libra strongly marked by the conjunction Black Moon and South Node, there is here a need to rebalance our social ties and relationships. Some separations may be difficult. We will see Venus the ruler planet of Libra arriving in Scorpio, which accentuates the forces and energies of renewal in the relational domains.

The energies of Pluto in Capricorn will be in a Square with Venus in Scorpio, here we can have a tendency to cling to our foundations, our comfort zone, where we place our sense of security. Which could prevent the emergence of beneficial renewal for ourselves. We should not be afraid to leave certain situations in order to move forward and progress on our path.

Pluto will be in trine to Uranus in Taurus, which further accentuates this intrinsic need for renewal. The foundations on which we rest will need to be questioned during this period.

Saturn in Pisces will be in Trine to Mars in Cancer, here the Martian energies being in fall, could make difficult to put into concrete actions our emotional feelings.

In addition, Saturn will be square with the Moon in Gemini. This can generate a kind of mental agitation that could make us emotionally unstable. Which will accentuate the need to cling to our comfort zone and therefore a reluctance to change.

A Moon that will be in conjunction with Jupiter for the beginning of this Libra season. This could push our desires for travel, escapism and perhaps running away from ourselves. It will be necessary to moderate those energies in order to channel them well and avoid any actions leading us towards more complex paths.

Mercury in Virgo will be part of a harmonic trine with Pluto and Uranus and will be in opposition to a Neptune in Pisces. A need to express our emotions will be strong. It might be interesting to let go of the too analytical part of this Mercury in Virgo and leave a little more room for our imagination and intuition, which could prove to be concrete.

The "challenge" of this beginning of the Libra month will be to find a good balance between the management of our emotions, how we analyse them and their implementation in order to move forward on our path.

There may also be good money coming in during this time, but it seem necessary to remain cautious about our spending and think carefully about where we will invest our resources.

There will be little fire during this period. The practice of sports activity will be very important in order to evacuate our emotions and feelings.

I hope that the analysis of the sky has allowed you to illuminate your way a little more.

I am available for private consultation for those who would like to have a more dedicated reading of them chart.

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