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Eternal Art Chemy
12/21/20242 min read

Polarity: Yang (Animus)
Element: Fire
Associated metal: Iron
Domiciliation : Aries/Scorpio
Exile: Libra/Taurus
Exaltation: Capricorn
Fall: Cancer
The planet Mars is a planet close to ours in several points. The inclination of its axis of rotation is 25.2, compared to 23.5 for that of the earth, which makes one day on Mars almost equivalent to a day on Earth.
Mars also has seasons, summer autumn, spring and winter. But the distance between the planet and the Sun and a very thin atmosphere keeps the planet cold, where temperatures are around -60º Celsius. Water is also found on Mars.
The reddish colour of Mars is due to the sand which is composed of sulphur oxide.
Mars is a very volcanic planet. One of the most volcanic planets. This effectively corrobores the notion of detonation that is associated with Mars.
Physiologically, Mars is related to muscles, brain, head, blood, cerebellum and nose
In man, Mars will indicate, according to the sign in which he is, how he will express his masculinity and how he will tend to use his energy in action.
In the woman Mars can represent her husband, companions or lover and also the type of men to which she could be attracting.
Mars will talk about our dynamism and actions, there is a form of self-surpassing (but this remain deeper with pluto).
Mars is also sports and physical activities
Mars is in a way the quest to be in analogy with the first house that represents who we are. Mars is somehow the sword of the soul in incarnation, the blacksmith being the sign in which Mars is.
Mars is also the warrior, the fighter, the terrorist, the bodyguard, the servant knight. It’s also the rivalries.
Positive aspect :
The positive Mars is courage. Determination. The ability to fight for its ideals. He is also the protector, the one who stands up to defend the weakest. There is a notion of hero. He is ambitious. It is a planet that can bring some speed. Who is not afraid of danger and who almost sometimes finds a strong emulsion, almost an exaltation in taking risks.
Negative aspect :
Mars is stubbornness, impatience, ill-lived anger, destructive leading to violence, aggression, provocation. As if the planet bring an energy of constant non-constructive competition, in constant search for supremacy. It is also the macho, the proxenesis, fraud, delinquency.
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From Earth & Space