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Eternal Art Chemy
12/21/20242 min read

Polarity: Yang (Animus)
Element: Air / Earth
Associated metal: Mercury
Domicile : Gemini / Virgo
Exile: Sagittarius
Exaltation : Virgo
Fall : Pisces
Mercury is the first planet of our solar system it is also the second smallest planet.
Mercury is located at a distance of 0.31 to 0.47 AU (astronomical unit) from the sun. Due to its positioning, Mercury is visible from the earth only at sunrise and sunset, It does not move very far from it.
The revolution of mercury around the sun takes about 88 days, and its phase of rotation takes 59 days terrestrial.
Astrology :
On the physiological level mercury is related to the nerve, intestines, lungs, arms, shoulders, hands, nervous system and reflexes
The planet is related to the siblings, especially the Benjamin. We also find the entourage and the neighbourhood.
The planet mercury in astrology tells us about our ability to communicate, but also the way we reason and our capacity for analysing, the subjects that fascinates us and gives us the taste of study (according to the signs in which Mercury is). The planet also tells us about the our childhood.
It is a planet of movement and therefore related to all small vehicles, as well as small trips. Also in link with commercial, small businesses, import and export.
Positive aspect :
Mercury brings eloquence, a gift for business, an ability to teach. The planet brings a strong communication especially in writings, Moreover, to deliver speeches. It makes the intellect strong. It can also bring a kind of lightness, a jovial side, even a little teasing sometimes. It gives movement ability and agility. Mercury provide a very smart dexterity.
Negative aspect :
If the planet has a difficult aspect, it may generate dyslexia, a loss in excessive details. Mercury will be in verbiage, speak without saying anything. The planet may see herself inactive, in a sort of inertia, leading to rigidity. It can create dispersion and agitation. Badly aspected Mercury will bring a dual side and may be difficult to identify. We can find the charlatans, the small thieves. The planet will be able to make the native manipulator according to the type of aspect that touches it. It can also separate the emotional aspects of a native, making him too analytical and therefore less connected to them emotions.
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