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New Moon In Libra

Eternal Art Chemy

9/30/20242 min read

This new moon will bring a strong conjunction, including the Sun, the Moon, Lilith, Mercury as well as the South node in the sign of Libra

The changes that have been taking place since the beginning of the balance season will lead us to a renewal. Our way of communicating with others may be greatly changed, as well as the way we position ourselves in society.

We can take the time to plant new seeds and deepen, or make new encounters. This may be even stronger if the cleaning of our relationships and how we manage them was provided during the beginning of this month of Libra.

We will also have a kind of diplomacy in our communication whish gives us good support. Mercury in Libra bringing a fine verb that will round the corners in the areas that are close to our hearts.

Venus in Scorpio will be in semi-sextile with the conjunction in Libra. Emotions during this period could be experienced intensely. Especially in the event of a separation. Even if, as written above, things can be done diplomatically.

In another register, we could deepen our sexual relations and discover new pleasures with our partners.

Mars will be in Cancer at the time of this new moon, we will have a certain authority at home and we could have good energy to undertake projects that we constantly postpone.

This Mars will be in trine with Saturn in the sign of Pisces and Venus in the sign of Scorpio. We might hear for pregnancy news in the family. Also, we will have to take care to protect ourselves during this period that seems very fertile if we do not wish to have children.

Uranus in Taurus will still be in trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This will continue to push the needs for renewal. Perhaps a strong need for relocation could be felt. One might even think strongly about emigrating.

Also, we could see a deepening in our professional sphere. And some opportunities might come.

We will also have these two planets in sextile with a Neptune in Pisces and we can find some resources to implement our projects.

Nevertheless, we must be careful with some fantasy and not get into an illusion about the opportunities that would be available to us. Some discernment will be needed to avoid bad choices.

In conclusion, we can say that many changes at the relational level will be made during this new moon in Libra. Some separations may be difficult. Especially if we cling to them.

Letting go of the past is not a easy thing to do, but the reward that it brings is highly beneficial for our evolution.

I hope that the analysis of the sky has allowed you to illuminate your way a little more.

I am available for private consultation for those who would like to have a more dedicated reading of them chart.

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