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The Full Moon in Gemini

Eternal Art Chemy

12/13/20243 min read

The next full moon will happen the coming Sunday around 9am European time zone.

This full moon will be at 23º of the Gemini sign.

When the moon transits the Gemini sign the mind can feel less focus. During this transit, we might have experience people or ourselves changing minds or cancelling plans making us feel unbalanced with our schedules.

We can feel emotionally unstable and be willing to jump from an activity to another. We can also see ourselves very communicative with the people who surround us.

This transit can also bring confidence with our network and our communication skills can feel enhanced.

We can feel very intuitive, at this time, and our creativity can gain a great inspiration, especially in writing, poetry and storytelling.

The full moon will therefor highlight the point discus just above, but also connect us with the result of the work we have taken on our journey.

We will see Mercury finishing is retrograde phase in the sign of Sagittarius the same evening of our occurring full moon. This could help us to reveal certain event that we might have experienced during this time. Certain situation can possibly unfold, and certain misunderstanding with communications, postal delays due to transportation issues or even lost packages could finally arrive to a conclusion.

Maybe some of us were planning to change city or even country, with this full moon in Gemini and the end of mercury retrograde it is most likely that we will have some answers or perhaps more clarity within the steps to initiate in order to fulfil our desire.

If we have been studying any sort of subjects we could see during this full moon the result of our labour. We might be drawn to expose to others what we have been understanding during this period.

To support this, we can see Jupiter in the sign of Gemini, here we have a mutual aspect as the two rulers of the two concerned sign are hosting each other. Jupiter, a planet of expansion also acts as a magnifying glass bringing great benefits toward this transit of the Moon.

The down side of Jupiter is that the planet can also magnify negative effect, in the concern of the Gemini sign, it could be about, lack of perseverance over the task we are trying to accomplish, an overtly scattered though, over-communicative person or in the other hand people who are not able to communicate their feelings but also a too preachy way of expressing our opinions.

The sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini will both be in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune being the apex planet of this T-sqaure.

This brings a necessity to tune in our intuition and the need to comprehend our deep inner world. We could have during this period transformative dreams, the inconscience could be felt more active. Meditation will be a key factor to understand more about ourselves. We might have to stay cautions about escapism, like using a spiritual path to runway from our responsibilities or any kind of behaviour that makes us flee reality, therefor creating more illusion over the current event we are in.

If we are able to face whatever is necessary to acknowledge during this full moon we could have great results and the dissolving benefits of Neptune will accompany our personal development.

To conclude, this full moon seems to be a great opportunity to realise inconscience part of ourself.

It will also be a great time to reap the result of the study we have been undertaking so far, with the ability, if we desire, to share the knowledge to the people we love or people interested in the topic that we have spending time in.

We could also see unfold situation that might have been slowed down. In another hand, we could have news from people we haven’t been spoken for a long time.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this analysis will bring you insightful ideas and inspiration as well as a more understanding of the event you might be facing at the moment and in the days to come.

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I wish all of you a great week-end and Full Moon.