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The Leo Full Moon

Eternal Art Chemy

2/12/20254 min read

The Leo Full Moon :

The full moon is a moment where the Moon opposed the Sun. At this time the moon fully reflects sunlight.

In astrology, the Full Moon is a time where we are invited to bring to the light any endeavour taken at the New Moon.

It could be the “climax” of the energies that have been gathered so far. We can see clearly what to expect from the work we have been doing as if it was the final “exam” that better lead us on the way toward our goals.

During this period, the energies/emotions are at the pick, we can be quite agitated, our sleeping pattern can be disrupted and our emotional control can be felt less stable, it is always good to use this energy by increasing our physical activities and/or our creativity.

This is a great time for artists as the full moon brings plenty of emotions, inspirations and intuitions.

Depending on the sign it occurs, it will bring highlights over the area of action of each of them. To be more precise on an individual level It would be interesting to have a look on wish houses the aspect is happening in your chart.

When the Full Moon is in Leo :

The full moon in Leo can generally bring more clarity over our self esteem and what we are capable to bring to the world. Our creativity can enhance and we might be sharing our uniqueness into the communities, associations and friendships we are in.

This is a great time to step further in the discovery of ourselves, passing through certain blockages in gaining confidence with our capacity to create. This could be made with more ease if we have been able to consistently keep the flow of the increasing energies of the last New Moon in Aquarius, it could be through the projects and the creative action we have taken so far, that we could see the results of our personal development.

It might not be the end result, depending on the kind of project we are in, but it could give us a strong confidence in our self-esteem, which is a key factor in any enterprise we want us to grow in.


The next Leo full moon will occur on the 12th February, at around 2:41pm European time zone.

The Moon will be at 24º in Leo, therefore the Sun at 24º in Aquarius.

The first aspect we can notice is the T-square with Uranus in Taurus at 23º acting as the apex planet of this T-square. The tensions could be felt strongly between the Moon and the Sun.

The moon represents our yin energy, intuition, unconsciousness, emotions, and desire for security.
In Leo, the moon, gives us a deep intuition and a very creative inspiration. We can also find ourselves more dramatic and more sensitive to our emotions. This is a great time for those who would like to begin acting. We can also be more susceptible to criticism.

The Sun represents the ego, it shines all the gifts and skills that are inherent to each individual.
In Aquarius the Sun is looking to shine in the public sphere, propagating new ideals for the future, new innovations and technological revolution. It is looking for a communicative way to express all those ideas and willingly to share intellectual concept with others. We can notice here the conjunction with Mercury in Aquarius that emphasizes this idea.

We could during this full moon, have a deep sensitivity with our feelings of love, perhaps, some of us could connect even more with their partner and share a strong complicity with their children. It could bring up our creativity and our desire to share with the people we love. It could also be sharing our creativity online. There is a call for theatrical practice. We could see ourselves role playing during this period which could help us to express certain emotion and feelings we have.

This full moon could also reveal the downside of the Leo, the lack of self confidence and the possibility to let go of a certain false idea of the self. Uranus, the apex planet, calls us to free ourselves from personal limitation. To accept to transform and shine all the creativity the Leo is capable to bring to the world.

We can see here a trine Chiron in Aries with the Moon in Leo and the sextile Chiron with the sun in Aquarius. This emphasises the idea of finding confidence in our capacity to create.

The liberation and freedom could come from the acceptance of any emotions, mistakes, flails, we have been through and rise even stronger.

We can see the Black Moon finishing her course in Libra, sextile to the moon in Aquarius.
Here the energies are leading us to unexpected changes, but it feels that this transition even if felt quiet hectic can bring a lot of benefits to our inner growth.

It could also be a time where some administrative work has to be done, bringing us to a conclusion. And therefore clarify our path in the project we are on.

This full moon can bring some emotional tension, we can be confronted with the inner fear of not being able to accomplish what we desire. With a more intense or less gentle transit, depending on our own situation, our natal chart, and where we have tried to plant our seeds during the new moon.

I hope that through this reading you will be able to even more connect to your personal adventure and find some key to advance with better ease in your desires, dreams and project.