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Eternal Art Chemy
10/30/20242 min read

The sun:
Polarity: Yang (Animus)
Element: Fire
Associated metal: Gold
Domiciliation : Leo
Exile: Aquarius
Exalted : Aries
Fall: Balance
The sun is the most important star in our solar system. It alone makes up 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system.
The Sun is considered as a star in astronomy. It is referred to in astrology as a Luminary. It is essential for the functioning of the solar system, without it, the planets and all objects that make up our solar system will not hold in place. It is thanks to its mass and the gravitational force that it generates that the planets orbit around it.
This allows us to easily grasp the value and importance of the sun in a natal chart, but also in its transits.
the Sun tells us about the Self and what types of energies we radiate, according to the sign in which it is located.
In men the sun represents themselves. With the woman, it shows its masculin part, its Animus, it can also represent the husband.
The Sun speaks of our conscious self, it can also represent the father, the husband, the lover, the authority.
It speaks of our gifts and our ability to take place in our environment, to affirm our desires and our dreams. It is in our natal chart the type of energy that sets us in motion and animates us. It talks about how we experience our emotions and what value we carry within us.
It manages the heart, eyes, vision and oxygenation.
For me, the sun has a role in the circadian cycle. It indirectly manages our autonomous nervuous system the (ANS) and therefore our endocrine system. Because the lights diffused by the sun at different hours of the day directly affect our states of being.
Positive aspect :
The Sun is generous and friendly. In this star we find the fire element at his best representation. An element of action, strength and creativity too. The sun shines like a king, good to his subjects. He does not leave others indifferent, he is committed to his role of seeing others grow in the best way, he is like a generous and caring father with his children. It brings comfort and a sense of security with a feeling of well being. Thus, the Sun will in a natal chart show in which areas, fields of action we are most likely to bring ourselves to the society.
Negative aspect :
In its negative side the sun will only seek to shine for him in order not to feel erased, he may try to do everything to have this feeling of existence through others and the recognition that his public can bring him. Leading him into an internal perversion, in search of power and domination which leads him to pride, arrogance, megalomania, excessive egocentrism and disloyalty.
All this concealing a profound lack of confidence in itself.
Eternal Artchemy
From Earth & Space